Wait. What?
Oh. Nevermind. We are still on some mature sounds, here. Some personal sounds, here. Yeah. Woohoo.
I did the art for this band and release before I even got to hear it in it's entirety. I feel so blessed, truthfully. Logo, a couple versions of the art, pretty sick. Anyhow. This is one of the guys behind Cdatakill and another dude. And it's pretty fucking stupidfresh, B. Check me out, I'm funky.
If you like catch words/phrase like "digital grind", "grindcore", "digi-grind", "powerviolence", "digi-metal", "noiserock", "dick-sucking-fashionistas-for-god", "heavy metal", and "digital hardcore" then you should probably check this out. Let's be real, here.
Siamese Royalty -"Demo" (freedownload)